20 Years Working Together: Then and Now

by | Aug 7, 2023 | 0 comments

Can you believe it’s been 20 years since Dan Glassman and Nick Zissimopulos began working together? We decided to sit down with Nick to get his perspective on what it has been like working with Dan for the last two decades and to see what’s in store for the future.

What is one of your favorite memories from working together early on?

When I first met Dan, he was an experienced personal injury attorney, and I was still in law school. He treated me as an equal even then. He encouraged me to help him with his cases. He talked through the issues, gave me insights into his thought process, and allowed me to participate in the preparation. I remember working long days with him to prepare for mediations, trials, and hearings. He was a great mentor and became an even better friend. 

What was the most challenging case you ever worked on? Most satisfying?

Dan and I have helped many injured people over the years. Sometimes people are hurt because of the criminal acts of others. Those can be very challenging, especially when children are the victims. While these cases are difficult, they can also be the most satisfying when we can help seek justice for criminal victims who have been injured. 

When I started, many insurance adjusters who worked on cases lived locally in our town. Mass consolidation and cost-cutting have caused this to be a thing of the past. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated this process. Now almost every adjuster lives in a different town or state. 

When I dreamed about being a lawyer as a kid, I thought I would spend most of my days in a courtroom and trials. There has been a steady reduction in the number of trials that ever happen. In civil cases, this is due to several reasons. Mandatory mediation, soaring expert costs, and growing caseloads all contribute to cases resolving without trials. This has caused civil trial lawyers to develop skills in mediation and pretrial negotiation while also maintaining trial skills in case there is no settlement.  

What advice would you give new Lawyers wanting to do their own thing?

Find a mentor you can trust and who is willing to put time into your development. Develop good habits of documenting your files, seeking advice when unsure, and regular communication with your clients. 

How do you see your collaboration continuing to thrive in the future?

The lawyers and people working with Glassman & Zissimopulos have a common mission: to Put Clients First. Part of that is finding people in the local community to work as lawyers, paralegals, and assistants on cases. As our firm grows, we are excited to continue serving the people of Gainesville and surrounding areas in North Central Florida with this mission in mind.

Do you want to talk to the team at Glassman & Zissimopulos?

Call Glassman and Zissimopulos and our team of dedicated attorneys today. (352) 505-4515 or Toll-Free at (844) 787-2543. When you call, you will be able to speak with a lawyer. This is our commitment to you.

Glassman and Zissimopulos is a local law firm dedicated to getting the money our clients deserve after an injury or accident.

We are a local law firm representing clients throughout North Central Florida. We have a staff of dedicated professionals who understand that everyone should be treated in the most respectful way. It’s the same way we would want to be treated if we came to you in our time of need.

We treat every client like family because, to us, they are.

We build genuine relationships and earn your trust.


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