“In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups. The police who investigate crime, and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories.” This is the opening...
It’s that time again. We’re gearing up for another holiday fueled by alcohol. March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day, a celebration of Irish culture in a very American way. People wear green, fill local bars, and consume plenty of alcohol. Guinness and...
The wrongful death of a loved one is never easy, no matter the circumstances around it. When it happens without warning and due to someone else’s negligence, the grief can be unimaginable. There are moments that the words don’t reachThere’s a grace...
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We are a local law firm representing clients throughout North Central Florida.
We treat every client like family because, to us, they are.
We build genuine relationships and earn your trust.